Tooele County General Plan
Tooele County is updating its General Plan and needs your input!
This process will explore:
1) existing and projected development and transportation patterns, 2) housing types and affordability trends, 3) open space and recreation, 4) economic development and employment opportunities, 5) and the conservation of agriculture and the preservation of the historic culture of Tooele County.
Help Shape Tooele County!

Interactive Map
Our interactive map allows you to share your likes, dislikes, ideas, suggestions, comments, transportation concerns, areas to preserve, trails, and any other feedback you have!

Public Open Houses
Throughout the process we will be holding several public workshops, pop-up events, and open houses to gather your input. For event details click below, visit our Facebook General Plan Page, or the Tooele County Website.

Share Your Vision
This area allows you to share your vision for the County! We want to know what you would like to see the County have, become, or maintain.

We have created several surveys to better understand your preferences on development patterns and community design. Click the link below to shape the future communities of Tooele Community!
Tooele County Land Use Concepts

Please share your feedback on each of the Tooele County concepts!
Contact Us
Tooele County is seeking input for the General Plan Update. Your ideas, suggestions, comments, area of interest and concerns throughout Tooele County is critical in creating vibrant communities and a sustainable path forward.
Please feel free to share your input below, or on the interactive map / vision board above.
Phone: (435) 843-3100
Address: 47 South Main Street, Tooele, UT 84074
Give us your feedback and share this page on social media for a chance to win a gift card and more!
General Plan Update Phases
General Plan Kick-Off
During this phase we will gather existing plans, studies, and demographics on the County. We will also create a base map that allows us to better understand the opportunities and constraints for the County.
Public Visioning Process
During this phase of the General Plan update, we will gather your input on how you would like the County to grow, what you would like to see happen in the County, and any other feedback you have.
Alternative Scenario Plans
During this phase we will review the vision for the County, public engagement input, existing plans, needs, transportation networks, land uses, features, topography, opportunities, and constraints and create three alternative scenarios based on this collected information.
Public Feedback Process
During this phase of the General Plan update, we will present the alternative scenario plans to the public for your feedback. An open house will be held to gather in-person feedback and the interactive map and vision board will remain open for continuous feedback to be received.
Preferred Scenario Plan
During this phase information utilized to create the alternative scenario plans will be reviewed in connection with the feedback received on the provided plans. The plans and feedback will then be consolidated into a preferred scenario plan. The following elements will be incorporated into the final plan:
- Land Use
- Transportation
- Housing
- Open Space & Recreation
- Public Facilities
- Conservation & Preservation
- Technology & Innovation
- Economic Development
Tooele County General Plan Public Hearing
During this phase the preferred scenario plan will be presented to the County Council for adoption.